
现货英国正品 Applydea Maglus ipad触控笔磁性吸附 原封原装

  • 品牌:Applydea
  • 手写笔适用品牌:其他
  • 手写笔适用范围:其他
  • 颜色分类:英国官方行货银色当天发黑色美国代理商购回银色当天发官方原装笔头一套2个蓝色粉色.





A:店里主要商品大部分来自美国。进货时,把maglus 顺带进上,邮费均摊,划算。英国官网有时候打折。当打折时,在英国官网也进货。

Q:美国亚马逊卖的maglus 可靠么?会不会假?

A:绝对没问题,美国亚马逊的maglus 由MyVolts Power销售,MyVolts Power 是Applydea在美国的

合作伙伴,或者就是经销商。可以向英国Applydea 发邮件求证,所以没问题,信得过。

Q:美国来的maglus 和英国来的 maglus 有区别么?为什么英国官方寄回的比美国寄来的贵?

A:无本质区别.英国寄来邮费贵,就只是买笔,没有其他的。店主美国每周均有货物寄回,把maglus 顺便带上,相对下来 邮费摊到笔上的价格比英国邮费便宜

下面晒下 2013年12月之前 店主代购过的部分maglus,本店实拍,盗图必究


 这支由爱尔兰公司Applydea设计的笔有一个诡异的名字,Maglus。同样诡异的还有它的手持部分。总体来说,外型很像是木匠用的铅笔,两边平两边 圆。如果你握笔姿势正确,这支笔很上手的;但是如果你个人握笔姿势比较奇葩,那用起来一定会很别扭。但我想你肯定会喜欢上用这支笔,因为它是我所用过的最 赞的一支笔。它的笔头不像Wacom Bamboo或者Kuel H10那样尖,但是勇气来识别率也非常高,非常准确,要归因于它笔尖的坚固性和高度敏感性。我们还搞不清楚Applydea这家公司用的是什么类型的橡 胶,但是Maglus使用的时候根本不需要用力,非常流畅,指到哪儿写到哪儿。你可以感受到Maglus在你屏幕上飞驰的感觉,这点是其他软头电容笔没有 的体验(但是它们也很不错了),比如Wacom Bamboo之类的。唯一存在的一个负面因素是,Maglus在画直线的时候不如其他笔干脆。所以画家们抖动手腕作画的功力在Maglus上不能体现。但 是如果你真的能感受到它画画的准确性时,可能这个弊端就会被冲淡许多。

  • The Maglus stylus with removable tip system is constructed from solid aluminium and utilises the most conductive tip on the market.
  • Excellent for use on any capacitive touchscreen device including, iPad, iPad Mini, Google Nexus range, Samsung Tab range, Kindle Fire range as well as any other capacitive touchscreen device.
  •  - Strong Precision Machined Aluminium 
  • - Soft Silicone Surface for contact with Device
  • - Accurate conductive tip for precise control.

    - Ergonomic design for comfort and ease of use.

    - Removable tip for quick changing of tips.

    - Keyring capsule for storing your spare tips so you are never without the use of your Maglus

  • - Stylus Size 139mm x 9mm x 13mm

  • - Tip Size 7mm diameter

  • - New removable tip system

    - New Keyring with capsule for spare tip

    - Complete with spare tip

 It's shaped like a carpenter's pencil, bearing two flat sides and two rounded edges. If you hold a pen normally, the Maglus should be very easy to pick up, but if you hold your pen in any alternate fashion, this stylus might take some getting used to. And you'll want to get used to using this thing, because it performs better than any other stylus I've tested. While its tip isn't as narrow as the tips of the Wacom Bamboo or Kuel H10, it's just as precise because it combines firmness with very high sensitivity. We're not sure what kind of rubber Applydea is using, but the Maglus requires almost zero exertion to use and is very predictable. You can really feel the Maglus touching your screen, unlike with mushier-tipped (yet still good) styli like the Wacom Bamboo. The only potential negative here is that the Maglus produces rigid lines since its tip isn't as cushy as many of its competitors. It's not as great for artistic flourishes and flicks of the wrist. The line rigidity and sharpness might be intimidating at first, but then you realize that this stylus is just producing more accurate lines on the screen.


Also, like the Adonit Jot Pro, the Maglus is magnetic and clings nicely to the side of your iPad — even if you're using a Smart Cover. Since the Maglus is flat (an intentional design decision), the stylus lays flat against your iPad for a tighter magnetic seal. The magnets are contained inside the rubber midsection of the Maglus, which actually adds a nice visual touch to the stylus. The rubber spots help grip, but also help the Maglus transcend the "aluminum bar" look you'll find with the AluPen, Architect, and Adonit Jot Pro.

At the end of the day, the Maglus's stellar tip makes it stand out the most. It's ultra conductive, and since the Maglus is heavy to begin with, it requires the bare minimum amount of exertion to make a mark on your screen. Most styli I tested require you to press down, which can get tiring — especially since apps don't respond to a soft press versus a hard one. The tip is a bit larger than I'd like, though it's still average in size. At , the Maglus is near impossible to beat — assuming your hands can endure its somewhat odd shape.

工 作设备: iPad, iPad Mini, Google Nexus range, Samsung Tab range, Kindle Fire range as well as any other capacitive touchscreen devices

